The competition among restaurants and cafés is high. Therefore it’s important to ensure economical control and management in an industry where margins are small. In this blog you’ll get advice on what to pay attention to. Moreover we …
Økonomisk kontrol øger din indtjening 7 years ago
Konkurrencen blandt restaurationsvirksomhederne er høj. Det er derfor vigtigt at sikre sig økonomisk kontrol og styring i en branche, hvor marginalerne er små. I dette skriv får du gode råd til, hvad der kan betale sig at holde …
New in the Restaurant Industry? How to get started… 7 years ago
Do you want to start your own restaurant or café? Imagine making delicious food and get the opportunity to sell it happy costumers. Or start your own coffee shop, serve creamy cappuccino’s and watch your customers enjoy themselves …
Ny i restaurationsbranchen? Sådan kommer du godt fra start 7 years ago
Vækst i restaurationsbranchen trods EU's højeste fødevarepriser 7 years ago
Det går godt for de danske restauranter. Dette er en kendsgerning efter, at Horesta i deres seneste normtalsanalyse kunne konstatere god økonomi blandt landets restauranter. Alt dette til trods for, at danske forbrugerpriser er de højeste i hele …
Economic growth in the restaurant industry despite the highest food prices in EU 7 years ago
It is good times for Danish restaurants. This is a fact after that Horesta, in their latest norms analysis, was able to find a good economy among the Danish restaurants. All of this despite the fact that Danish …
Få nyheder på vores nye blog! 7 years ago
Vi arbejder med at gøre alt i vores arbejdsgang gennemsigtigt. Det giver vores nuværende kunder og nye kunder gode forudsætninger for at forstå produktet og i hvilken retningen CalcuEasy udvikles. Det betyder, at vi hyppigt sender opdateringer på …
Get all the news on our blog! 7 years ago
We want to make our work and development transparent. It gives you and our current costumers great conditions to understand our product and how we plan to develop CalcuEasy in the future. This means that you on our …
Velkommen til vores nye website! 7 years ago
Vi har udviklet et nyt website til dig og til alle professionelle køkkener. På vores hjemmeside kan du se en demo-film om CalcuEasy, du kan læse om CalcuEasys mange features med kalkulationer, opskrifter, lager, køkkenprocent, m.m og få …
Welcome to our new website! 7 years ago
We have developed a new website for you and for all professional kitchens. On our new website you can watch a demo-film about CalcuEasy. Moreover you can read of CalcuEasy’s many features with calculations, recipes, stocks, kitchen percentage, …