Category: News

Mindre madspil kan mindske produktionsomkostninger i køkkenet

Less food waste decreases your food costs 6 years ago

Food waste has been on the agenda for a while. And that’s for a good reason. Despite the fact that Denmark prioritizes food waste reduction, there is still much we can do. If we reach targets and reduce …

Det er vigtigt at have styr på sine kostpriser. Læs her hvordan med CalcuEasy.

Create a good business with your cost prices 7 years ago

Restaurants, cafes, canteens and cafeterias are dependent on the purchasing power of their customers as well as the cost of commodites. If you suddenly produce a dish in which too many expensive commodities are integrated, customers may not …

Økonomisk kontrol i din restaurant giver større chancer for overskud

Economical control increases your income 7 years ago

The competition among restaurants and cafés is high. Therefore it’s important to ensure economical control and management in an industry where margins are small. In this blog you’ll get advice on what to pay attention to. Moreover we …

At CalcuEasy we regularly update our blog with the latest news in the kitchen and catering industry

Get all the news on our blog! 7 years ago

We want to make our work and development transparent. It gives you and our current costumers great conditions to understand our product and how we plan to develop CalcuEasy in the future. This means that you on our …

CalcuEasy har udviklet nyt website og vi tilbyder blandt andet en måned gratis adgang

Welcome to our new website! 7 years ago

We have developed a new website for you and for all professional kitchens. On our new website you can watch a demo-film about CalcuEasy. Moreover you can read of CalcuEasy’s many features with calculations, recipes, stocks, kitchen percentage, …