Economical control increases your income 7 years ago

Økonomisk kontrol i din restaurant giver større chancer for overskud

The competition among restaurants and cafés is high. Therefore it’s important to ensure economical control and management in an industry where margins are small. In this blog you’ll get advice on what to pay attention to. Moreover we give you a non-binding offer on a free kitchen percentage analysis. Here we’ll look into your 10 best-selling dishes.

Here’s a list of parameters we think you as minimum should look into in order to increase earnings:

Kitchen Percentage

  • Strong control of the kitchen percentage allows you to see if you sell your meals at the right price, if the commodity prices are too expensive, if your meals are too big and not least how much food you subsequently throw out. In other words, if you keep a reasonable kitchen percentage, you are able to control what comes from earnings and expenses. If you have a correct kitchen percentage, you will be able to pay your fixed costs. If you use the kitchen percentage as a tool, you can, according to PwC, increase the income by up to 12%.

Level of Detail

  • To get a better overview of your costs, it may be worth having a high degree of detail. In the kitchen you can thus specify what you have from monthly costs on commodities from your catering company. You can look into your costs on kitchen equipment, salary costs, etc. It is the same matter with your earnings: What do you earn on your best-selling dish? What is your monthly sales on beverages? It’s of cause up to you, how specific you want the degree of detail to be – it needs to make sense to you!

Ongoing Reporting

  • Do yourself the service to prepare ongoing reports simply with simple key numbers such as costs and earnings. It may also be an advantage to keep you updated with your total stock value. When you make reports, you give yourself an overview you do not want to miss. It gives you the opportunity to constantly set new goals and optimize business areas where things can be improved. Of course, it’s up to you how often you want to make reports. It can be weekly, monthly or quarterly. But do yourself the favour to not only look into the operation once a year.

A sound insight into the above ensures that you can react quickly to areas where extra efforts are required.


Get a Free Kitchen Percentage Analysis

The kitchen percentage analysis can be your beginning to get insights into your kitchen percentages, income and costs!

Get a free analysis:
Email us at and write “Analysis” in the subject field. Then we’ll contact you as soon as possible.
Det er vigtigt at have styr på din økonomi. Læs her om, hvordan du styrer din køkkenprocent, lagerværdi, m.m. og skaber økonomisk kontrol.


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